
South China delivers first of 8 super container vessels for MSC

2023-07-25 Editor : Li Ji ECNS App Download

The largest container vessel in South China was delivered for use after it was named MSC NOA ARIEILA in Nansha district of Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, on Monday. MSC NOA ARIEILA, which was jointly built by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co., Ltd. (GSI) and China Shipbuilding Trading Co., Ltd., is a massive 366 meters long and 51 meters wide, and it can reach a carrying capacity of 16,616 TEUs, according to a statement released by GSI on Monday. The vessel, with a molded depth of 30.2 meters, is designed to have a draft of 14.5 meters.  

It is the first of the eight container vessels that GSI and China Shipbuilding Trading Co., Ltd. are building for Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A (MSC). Contracts for construction of the large container vessels were signed in March, 2021.  

Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, MSC is the world's largest container shipping company. By continuously promoting technological innovation, the vessel has led the development trend for super large container ships in terms of green energy and environmental protection.  

MSC NOA ARIEILA is not only green and environmental friendly, but also energy-saving and high efficiency, with all technical indicators having reached the world's leading standards.  

When the vessel is sailing, the air compression system on board injects compressed air into the bottom of the vessel, forming a layer of air film at the bottom, reducing direct contact between seawater and the hull, which can greatly reduce the resistance of seawater.  

More figuratively, when the air drag reduction system works, the huge ship filled with more than 16,000 TEUs will be lifted by the air membrane like a hovercraft, so that the seawater resistance will be minimized, which is also the key to the vessel's excellent green environmental performance.  


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