
Int'l experts upbeat about China 2023 | German economist: I'm pretty much optimistic

2022-12-30 Editor : Luo Pan ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- "I think the development in 2023 will be better than in 2022, especially the case for the second half year. I'm pretty much optimistic about 2023 compared to 2022. Because in the first half year, we still have some impact of the new COVID policy, also for the economy. So it will take some time to recover everything. I think that the impact of the new COVID policy of the Chinese government will be very positive on Chinese economy. However, it would take some time. I it will become much better. At the latest in the second half of 2023, the impact will be very positive on Chinese economy," says Horst Löchel, head of the Sino-German Centre at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.



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