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Avant-garde director Zhang Shanshan depicts the complexity of time in films(5)

2023-09-21 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

During the pandemic, Zhang deeply felt the close relationship between people and the environment as well as the city, depicted in her latest installation titled It Is the Time You Have Wasted On Your Rose That Makes Your Rose So Important.

Over the past decade of creation, Zhang has endeavored to broaden the presentation of moving image and transform from traditional narrative films to multi-media. She intends to make use of the interaction between materials and images in different spaces to explore the distance between the image and the audience through different ways of presentation. She also tries more materials from more viewing angles to create space for the moving image, so that the audience can become part of the work for better perception instead of being only standers-by, which can further expand the possibilities of participation. 

Despite a lot of achievements and recognition, she has recently embarked on a long journey.

Paradise Program film set (Photo provided to ECNS)



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