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Avant-garde director Zhang Shanshan depicts the complexity of time in films(4)

2023-09-21 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

It is worth mentioning that she joined the charity for autistic children in 2012 to have an in-depth understanding of this special group of kids and their families producing the documentary Snail and the narrative short film Fish in the Tank, which have been highly recognized and praised by the autism community and professional filmmakers.

Snail film still (Photo provided to ECNS)

Since then, she has been dedicated to supporting autistic children. Last year, she collaborated with John Qu, a director in Los Angeles, to produce the short documentary Music Calling. The film premiered in Los Angeles, California, and received Congressional Recognition from U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu for her “high standards of excellence and outstanding achievements and unwavering dedication to supporting autistic children and their families”. Zhang will continue to work with Qu to produce 10 documentary series about the growth of autistic children in the future. 

Signature: The artistic spirit and characteristics of her own

Zhang firmly believes that art should transcend the times to provide responses and possibilities to the physical and spiritual problems faced by people in the modern age. 

"I keep experiencing separation during my growing process, which has brought me some strong feelings. In the Eastern and Western cultures, people have different understandings and discussions of death, and fight against the physical and spiritual demise of mortality in different ways, which therefore became the priority theme of my works and the reason why I chose sci-fi as the main narrative type of my films,” she said. 

Zhang Shanshan at work. (Photo provided to ECNS)


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