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Avant-garde director Zhang Shanshan depicts the complexity of time in films(2)

2023-09-21 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download
Onion City Experimental Film Festival screening Committee working process

Onion City Experimental Film Festival screening Committee working process

The Foam is regarded as an extension of director Zhang's theme of "love and mortality". “I believe that intimacy is not only a way to fight against loneliness but also a way to fight against mortality,” she said.

As an intimate relationship fades away, the ultimate questions of loneliness and death resurface in one's consciousness, becoming the initial state that an individual must confront. The ideas generated during such a transformation are not only about the relationship between two people but also about the reconstruction of reality and illusion as well as all possibilities. Meanwhile, the film also visualizes the spiritual unity and confrontation between two people in an intimate relationship through symbolic language.

This short film has both a profound theme and a contemporary style full of unexpected details and surprises. 

Deepening the power of unique female sensibility creates an overflowing tension. The two female protagonists in the film symbolize not only the depth and connection between people but also inseparable love. 


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