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China to take all measures necessary against U.S. intelligence activities: FM

2023-07-25 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- China will take all measures necessary to safeguard national security, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated at a press conference on Monday.

Mao made such remarks in response to CIA Director William Burns's words on July 20. According to media reports, while attending the Aspen Security Forum, he said that progress has been made in rebuilding the U.S. spy networks in China and the U.S. are working hard to build a very strong human intelligence capability to complement what they can acquire through other methods.

“The U.S. on the one hand keeps spreading disinformation on so-called ‘Chinese spying and cyber attacks’, and on the other hand tells the public about its large-scale intelligence activities targeting China. This in itself is quite revealing,” Mao added.

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