Travel News

Ministry issues notice on tourist attraction best practices

2023-07-26 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Tourists ride camels at Mingsha Mountain and Yueya Spring in Dunhuang, Gansu province, March 25, 2023. (Photo by Zhang Xiaoliang/For

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has urged attractions to optimize their reservation systems and local tourism bureaus to investigate scalpers to secure a safer market during the summer tourism peak.

According to a ministry notice on Tuesday, the attractions should adopt more flexible and scientific reservation systems allowing for increasing travel demands. The reservation procedures should be streamlined and easier for travelers.

Attractions should keep on-site ticket offices open to children of elementary and high school ages, seniors and people with disabilities to provide more access to travel services. They are encouraged to lengthen their opening times or add night tour events to enrich their services, and open more temporary parking lots to meet travelers' needs.

Local tourism bureaus should cooperate with government departments crack down on illegal behaviors, such as hoarding and scalping tickets, to better regulate the market and protect travelers' rights.


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