Members of China's 35th Antarctic scientific expedition team install and test the KL-DIMM telescope for Kunlun Station at Dome A, Antarctica, Jan. 16, 2019. (Photo/Xinhua)

Members of China's 35th Antarctic scientific expedition team install and test the KL-DIMM telescope for Kunlun Station at Dome A, Antarctica, Jan. 16, 2019. (Photo/Xinhua)

Members of China's 35th Antarctic scientific expedition team install and test the KL-DIMM telescope for Kunlun Station at Dome A, Antarctica, Jan. 16, 2019. (Photo/Xinhua)

A view of telescopes AST3 and MARST for China's research station Antarctica, Jan. 16, 2019. (Photo/Xinhua)

A view of the newly installed meteorological observation tower for China's research station Antarctica, Jan. 16, 2019. (Photo/Xinhua)