
Lawyers association teams up to aid disabled communities

2024-05-19 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

In honor of the 34th National Disability Day, which fell on Sunday, the All-China Lawyers Association has partnered with the China Association of Volunteers for Persons with Disabilities to provide legal assistance to disabled communities.

The collaboration was announced during a signing ceremony for a framework agreement at the lawyers association's headquarters in Beijing.

According to the agreement, the two associations will establish a system for offering voluntary services in areas such as legal consultation, advocacy, resolving legal issues and disputes, and developing legal policies.

The agreement also promotes and supports the involvement of local bar associations, law firms and individual lawyers in volunteer activities for people with disabilities. This participation may involve providing legal services, engaging in advocacy efforts and offering various forms of support, the associations noted.

Their ultimate aim is to unite and mobilize a substantial number of lawyers to actively engage in this cause, they added.

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