
Magnificent scenery of Gangshika snow peak in Qinghai(1/5)

2024-05-16 13:18:24 Editor :Li Yan

Magnificent scenery of Gangshika snow peak, the highest in the eastern section of the Qilian Mountains, at Menyuan County in Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/Ma Wenjie)

Gangshika snow peak with an altitude of over 5,000 meters is the Crystal Palace of the Queen Mother of the West in the myth. Its ice, snow, gravel and small rock wall make it a perfect destination for climbers.

Magnificent scenery of Gangshika snow peak, the highest in the eastern section of the Qilian Mountains, at Menyuan County in Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/Ma Wenjie)

Magnificent scenery of Gangshika snow peak, the highest in the eastern section of the Qilian Mountains, at Menyuan County in Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/Ma Wenjie)

Magnificent scenery of Gangshika snow peak, the highest in the eastern section of the Qilian Mountains, at Menyuan County in Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/Ma Wenjie)

Magnificent scenery of Gangshika snow peak, the highest in the eastern section of the Qilian Mountains, at Menyuan County in Qinghai Province. (Photo: China News Service/Ma Wenjie)

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