
Hebei casualties rises to 29

2023-08-11 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

As of Thursday, 29 people were killed and another 16 people were still missing in disasters triggered by torrential rains in Hebei, according to data released in the news conference on Thursday morning.

Among the 29 deaths, six were previously reported as missing persons.

Rescue efforts are underway for the 16 missing people, according to authorities at the conference, which was a briefing on the flood and follow-up works held in Shijiazhuang city.

During the recent round of torrential rains, the total precipitation in Hebei province reached 27.5 billion cubic meters and, in certain areas like in Baoding, Shijiazhuang and Xingtai cities, the precipitation in 24 hours exceeded 400 millimeters, authorities said.


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