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3 Chinese officials die in battling flood in NE China's Shulan

2023-08-07 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Three officials, including a deputy mayor of Shulan in northeast China's Jilin Province, have been confirmed dead in fighting flood in the city, according to the local flood control and drought relief headquarters.

Deputy mayor Luo Xudong, together with the political commissar of the local People's Armed Forces department Zhou Kunxun and a senior engineer named Ni Feng, rushed to the frontline to oversee flood control on Thursday night. Their bodies were found on Monday.

Zhang Zhizhao, an official from the Shulan Municipal People's government office, remains missing. The search for him is still underway.

A total of 14 people had been killed as of 10 p.m. on Sunday amid the torrential that rain hit Shulan, local authorities said.


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