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China to pilot network-free SIM card hardware wallet

2023-07-11 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Bank of China, China Telecom and China Unicom will jointly launch a SIM card hardware wallet on the e-CNY app, allowing digital RMB payments reliant on mobile phone’s NFC function, according to the bank on Tuesday.

Digital payments via the digital Chinese currency software wallet, including a super SIM card issued by operators, allow users to pay in digital RMB when their mobile phones power off.

The super SIM cards not only retain complete communication abilities but also incorporate a storage chip, making it capable of providing various services such as paying for transportation and meals, serving as an access card, conducting financial security authentication, and transferring large sums between accounts and more.

Currently, only Android phones with NFC capability support the use of SIM card hardware wallets. Users can apply for super SIM cards at China Telecom or China Unicom service centers.


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