
Hi-tech products to shine at 6th CIIE

2023-08-09 16:30:47China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A considerable amount of cutting-edge products and high-technologies will be unveiled during the 6th China International Import Expo held in November in Shanghai.

This expo will focus on China's key industrial planning, with attention on environmental-friendly and innovative development, further optimizing low-carbon energy and technologies, said Sun Chenghai, deputy director-general from the Bureau of China International Import Expo, reported China News Service on Tuesday.

Positive results have been achieved for various preparatory works around the expo so far and the organizational work of the trading teams was carried out in an orderly manner, said Sun on a touch base meeting held in preparing for the expo.

The meeting aimed to build a connection for accurate docking and opening up business opportunities for both supply and demand for those exhibitors and buyers in the equipment and automotive industries and so on.

Companies from the Intelligent Industry and IT exhibition that are going to participate in the expo like Keyence, General Electric, Otis and other 35 enterprises attended this meeting, as well as companies like Bosch, Yamaha, and other 7 companies from automobile exhibitions.

The Bureau of China International Import Expo and the National Convention and Exhibition Center will continue to reinforce the precise connection between supply and demand by pre-exhibition activities, amongst other ways, inviting more professional buyers to join the meeting, said Sun.


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