
Fugitive financial executive returned to China amid anti-graft crackdown

2024-08-30 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Jiang Chengjun, a fugitive suspect and deputy manager of Haitong Securities, has been repatriated to China, the country's top anti-graft watchdogs announced on Wednesday.

Jiang, 56, fled China in July 2024. The Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Commission launched an investigation into him the same month. Authorities actively engaged in international law enforcement cooperation, resulting in his recent capture, according to the announcement.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Jiang was apprehended overseas and returned to China through coordinated efforts by the Fugitive Repatriation and Asset Recovery Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group and the Ministry of Public Security. Shanghai's supervisory and public security authorities collaborated closely with relevant law enforcement agencies in other countries to facilitate his return.

An official from the Fugitive Repatriation and Asset Recovery Office emphasized the commitment to international anti-corruption cooperation, enhancing mechanisms for the pursuit, prevention, and recovery of fugitives. "No matter where corrupt individuals flee, they will be apprehended and brought to justice," the official said.

Established in June 2014, the office launched the annual "Sky Net" campaign to target fugitives involved in corruption and duty-related charges. This year's campaign, which began in March, focuses on maintaining pressure on fugitive repatriation and asset recovery, strengthening cross-border corruption governance, and promoting an integrated approach to prevent escapes, pursue fugitives, and recover assets.

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