
Gov't strengthens steps to protect workers, employers

2024-08-30 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The central departments have tightened the management of human resources market to better protect the rights both of the workers and employers.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission recently released a notice, clarifying some specific measures to tackle the problems disrupting the job market, including mendacious recruitment advertising, disclosing job seekers' personal information, job discrimination and illegal fees charging.

Under the notice, the government will further tighten the market access to human resources agencies and verifying their quality of organizing recruitment events. The government will also improve the data security to protect job seekers' personal information and strengthening the employers' recruitment information to prevent any discriminative advertisement on gender, age or education background being released.

Unreasonable or illegal fee charging behaviors by human resources agencies will be cracked down, and these agencies are urged to publish clear fee charging standards to secure smooth operation of the job market.

The notice said that government will publish cases violating human resources regulation or labor laws to warn the job seekers possible risks during their job-hunting process. The credibility of job seeker themselves is also of great importance, and the government encourages individuals to seek jobs honestly and earnestly with real personal information.


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