
China puts forth sandstorm warning

2024-05-14 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's National Meteorological Center renewed a blue alert for sandstorms on Tuesday morning, expecting sand and dust weather to hit Northwest China.

From Tuesday through Wednesday, sand and dust weather is expected to affect regions in the southern and eastern parts of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the central and western parts of Gansu province, the central and western parts of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the central and northern parts of the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, the northern parts of Shaanxi province and the northwestern parts of Shanxi province. Additionally, certain areas in the western parts of Inner Mongolia will experience localized strong sandstorms, the center said.

China has a four-colored warning system for sandstorms, with blue representing the mildest level, followed by yellow, orange and red.


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