
China, Pakistan vow to deepen cooperation

2024-05-16 09:01:48China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

With CPEC high on agenda, enhanced relations will bolster regional prosperity

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) and Pakistan's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar meet with journalists on Wednesday in Beijing after the fifth round of the China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue. (WANG ZHUANGFEI/CHINA DAILY)

China and Pakistan have reiterated their commitment to further deepening cooperation in various fields and jointly responding to risks and challenges to enrich their all-weather strategic cooperative partnership.

The pledge was made during Pakistani Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar's four-day China visit, which began on Monday. He met with Chinese Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang and Foreign Minister Wang Yi separately on Wednesday in Beijing.

Dar chose China as the first destination for an official visit since assuming office in March, which Wang said manifested the high importance that Pakistan has attached to China.

A sound, steady and robust bilateral relationship carries great significance to regional peace, stability and prosperity in a turbulent world, Wang told reporters after holding the fifth round of the China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with Dar.

China will continue to resolutely support Pakistan in upholding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity; combating terrorism; and playing a greater role in regional and international affairs, Wang said.

Under the leadership of the new government, Pakistan will enter a new stage of political unity, social stability, controlled security and sustainable development, he said.

Noting that Pakistan and China enjoy solid political mutual trust and a profound friendship, Dar said its relationship with China is the cornerstone of Pakistan's foreign policy and the country firmly supports China without hesitation on all issues concerning its core interests.

The two sides agreed to expand practical cooperation in multiple areas and pull their weight to promote the construction of an upgraded version of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to help Pakistan achieve better economic growth and green development, improve livelihoods and realize scientific and technological innovation.

Launched in 2013, CPEC is a flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative and has entered the second phase. By the end of 2022, CPEC had brought $25.4 billion in direct investment to Pakistan and created 236,000 job opportunities, according to official figures.

Wang underlined the need for both sides to maintain the sound momentum of pragmatic cooperation and jointly build the corridors for growth, livelihood, innovation, green development and openness.

He also called to actively and steadily advance third-party cooperation on CPEC and the promotion of major connectivity projects to boost Pakistan's development and regional economic integration.

"We appreciate China's development assistance to Pakistan and look forward to further enhancing China's development footprint in Pakistan," Dar said.

He praised CPEC for transforming Pakistan's economic landscape, and expressed hope to "further upgrade and expand" it and strengthen bilateral cooperation in areas such as energy and information technology.

The two sides share the same view on ensuring common security, as Wang said China and Pakistan would further deepen anti-terrorism security cooperation.

Dar briefed Wang on the investigation of the Dasu bomb attack in March that killed five Chinese and one Pakistani, expressing deep condolences, and said Pakistan would investigate it thoroughly and bring plotters, sponsors and perpetrators of the incident to justice.

Pakistan would resolutely crack down on violent and terrorist forces, and make every effort to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel, projects and institutions on its soil, he added.

The two sides also agreed to oppose unilateralism, hegemony, power politics and group confrontation, vowing to strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral institutions and safeguard international fairness and justice.

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