
Organ failure to blame for giant panda Lin Hui death in Thailand

2024-05-23 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Lin Hui, a 21-year-old giant panda, died at Chiang Mai Zoo in Thailand on April 19 due to multiple organ failure caused by arteriosclerosis with embolism, according to the China Research & Conservation Center for the Giant Panda on Wednesday.

The nosebleed phenomenon observed before death was caused by a hemangioma in the nasal cavity, resulting in some staining on other parts of the fur, the center said.

Lin Hui arrived in Chiang Mai on loan from China at the age of two in 2003. It was a star attraction of Chiang Mai Zoo.

The Chinese expert team conducted a comprehensive assessment of the Chiang Mai Zoo's facilities, medical team, food management, sanitation system, and dietary management. All relevant conditions met requirements for the management and disease prevention of giant pandas, it added.

The center stated that since the launch of the China-Thailand Giant Panda Cooperative Research Project 20 years ago, both parties have achieved positive results in various areas, including the conservation and breeding of endangered species, disease prevention and control, and public education. This has made a positive contribution to the friendship between the people of China and Thailand.

It further clarified that the rumors circulating online about Lin Huibeing beaten to death are totally false.


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