
AI expert's large model beats OpenAI's GPT-4

2024-05-13 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Renowned artificial intelligence expert Kai-Fu Lee, who is also founder of AI venture 01.AI, said on Monday that the company's latest generation of large model has surpassed GPT-4 of the United States'OpenAI.

According to Lee, the company's Yi-Large large model has surpassed GPT-4 in reasoning and five other aspects in several benchmarks. Yi-Large is a software over-the-air-driven closed-source large model with a parameter of over 100 billion tokens.

Lee said the company eyes a "globalized" large model company and disclosed that the company's large model products have attracted nearly 10 million users within 9 months, and one of them has generated a revenue of 100 million yuan ($13.8 million).

He added that the company is still training a more powerful large model that has already achieved strong performance.


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