
Beijing Subway rolls out 'Time-travel Train'

2023-08-10 Editor : Luo Pan ECNS App Download

On Tuesday, many passengers on Beijing Subway Line 1 recorded the moment of the "Time-travel Train" entering the station.  

Starting from August 8, passengers on Beijing Subway Line 1 will have the opportunity to ride a special "Time-travel Train," which has deep green faux leather seats and may transport passengers back half a century, allowing them to experience the contrast between old and new subway cars and sense the shift in eras.  

The train consists of six compartments. Unlike regular trains, each compartment replicates different old cars of the Beijing Subway. In the train compartments, original subway route maps, vintage logos, tickets and other nostalgic items from the early days of the subway will also be observed.  

"Time-travel Train" of Beijing Subway began trial operations on Line 1 on August 8. During the initial phase, the operating hours of the train will be from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays, covering the route between Gucheng Station and Fuxingmen Station.      


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