
Track-laying begins on China-Vietnam border high-speed railway

2023-08-10 Editor : Luo Pan ECNS App Download

Track-laying for the first high-speed railway linking the China-Vietnam border started on Tuesday in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.  

The Fangdong Railway will link the Guangxi cities of Fangchenggang and Dongxing, and end the history of no railroad transportation between the two cities.  

The length of the railway track is expected to reach 106.7 kilometers and features eight tunnels and 32 bridges. The track-laying is scheduled to be completed by the end of September this year.  

After the operation of the Fangdong Railway, the travel time between Fangchenggang and Dongxing will be shortened from one hour to about 20 minutes, and the border port city Dongxing will be connected to the national high-speed railway networks.   "The new railway will open up the high-speed railway link between the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and even the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to ASEAN countries, which will play a positive role in promoting economic and trade exchanges between the two sides," said Liao Gang, an official from China Railway Nanning Group Co., Ltd.  


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