
China claims rhythmic gymnastics team all-around title

2023-07-31 ECNS App Download

China clinched the gold medal in the rhythmic gymnastics team all-around event at the Chengdu Universiade here on Sunday.  

The Chinese team triumphed with a score of 57.150 points, and Ukraine was in second place with 56.600 points. Japan secured the bronze medal with 55.750 points.  

China's squad, comprising Xiao Mingxin, Chen Wenshan, Yan Zhiting, Chen Jiaqi, and Zhao Hongyu, led the first rotation of five hoops with 31.250 points on Saturday. In the second rotation on Sunday, Li Xuerui stepped in for Yan Zhiting.  

They integrated Chinese Kung Fu into the five hoops choreography and incorporated a Sichuan folk song into the three ribbons and two balls choreography, which worked really well.  

All six gymnasts are students at Chengdu Sport University.  


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