
China, Qatar's defense ministers hold talks in Beijing

2024-05-24 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Chinese Minister of National Defense Dong Jun held talks in Beijing with Khalid bin Mohamed Al Attiyah, Qatar's deputy prime minister and minister of State for Defense Affairs on Wednesday.

According to a press release from the ministry, Dong said that China and Qatar are strategic partners, and that in recent years, leaders of both nations have met multiple times, reaching a series of important consensuses that provide fundamental guidelines for deepening bilateral and military relations.

The minister noted that the foundation for China-Qatar military relations is solid, and there is ample room for development.

He emphasized that both sides should further enhance strategic mutual trust, expand areas of cooperation, and strengthen personnel exchanges to continuously elevate military cooperation to new heights.

Khalid said that a unified and prosperous China aligns with the common interests of the international community.

He expressed that Qatar highly values its relationship with China and is willing to strengthen practical cooperation with China under frameworks including the Belt and Road Initiative, continually advancing the bilateral and military relationship under the strategic guidance of the leaders of both countries.

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