
Collapsed Baltimore bridge starts demolition in U.S.(1/5)

2024-05-15 11:15:10 Editor :Li Yan

Explosives are detonated to free the container ship Dali, after it was trapped following its collision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse, in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. May 13, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

The controlled demolition of the largest remaining steel span of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was underway.

Smoke rises, following a detonation of explosives to free the container ship Dali, after it was trapped following its collision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse, in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. May 13, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Smoke rises, following a detonation of explosives to free the container ship Dali, after it was trapped following its collision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse, in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. May 13, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Smoke rises, following a detonation of explosives to free the container ship Dali, after it was trapped following its collision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse, in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. May 13, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

Smoke rises, following a detonation of explosives to free the container ship Dali, after it was trapped following its collision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse, in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. May 13, 2024. (Photo/Agencies)

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