
Defense minister gives speech at PLA anniversary event

2023-08-01 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The Ministry of National Defense held a reception at the Great Hall of the People on Monday to celebrate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army, which falls on Aug 1.

State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu delivered a speech at the reception, extending greetings to the officers and personnel of the PLA, members of the armed police and others.

He, also a Central Military Commission member, paid tribute to veterans and heroes who contributed to the development of the people's armed forces and representatives of army role models.

Li said the military must further implement Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military and thoroughly conduct strategic policies for the new era, stressing combat readiness and military governance should be comprehensively strengthened.

He urged the military to consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capacity.

The defense chief also stated the PLA will unswervingly advance national reunification, achieve the centenary goal of the PLA as scheduled, and speed up the building of the armed forces into a world-class military.

The Chinese military will faithfully implement the Global Security Initiative, continue to deepen international military exchanges and cooperation and inject more certainty and positive energy into today's turbulent and intertwined world, he said.

According to the Defense Ministry, foreign military attaches and their spouses were also invited to the reception.


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