
Global media: SCO Summit promotes new international relations model

2023-07-06 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held via video conference on Wednesday. China's position has garnered significant attention from the international media.

Many media outlets have reported that China is calling for the SCO member states to uphold multilateralism and improve global governance. Meanwhile, the reports say the SCO is promoting the establishment of a new type of international relations and is expected to play an increasingly significant role in the global development process.

“The priority issue discussed at the SCO summit was trade development, which is a crucial indicator of the quality of interstate interaction, and within the SCO framework, the global financial system demonstrates a positive trend despite some crisis and turbulence,” Kyrgyz national news agency KABAR commented in a report on Tuesday.

The report says that from an economic and political perspective, the SCO will play an increasingly significant role in global affairs.

Uzbekistan media outlet UzDaily quoted the President of Uzbekistan’s speech, saying the SCO is based on mutual respect and constructive perception of different interests, positions, views, and cultural differences of the member states. He said the SCO is a non-bloc status, a strong commitment to openness, equality, and consensus-based decision-making, according to the report.

In the Reuters report, China called for strengthening exchanges, ensuring common security and enhancing solidarity and mutual trust.

China also calls for keeping in mind the overall and long-term interests, and making the foreign policies independently, Reuters reported.

Singapore news media Lianhe Zaobao reported that China emphasized to build partnerships featuring cooperation instead of alliance.

China also calls on countries to keep highly vigilant against external attempts to foment a new Cold War or camp-based confrontation in the region, and to resolutely reject any interference in internal affairs and the instigation of "color revolutions" by any country under whatever pretext, according to Lianhe Zaobao.

According to TASS, Russia’s leading news agency, China calls on SCO countries to counteract hegemonism and power politics on the international stage. China says it is necessary to implement multilateralism and fine-tune global management.

Beijing opposes “decoupling and breaking links,” according to a U.S. media outlet CNBC report. “Promoting economic growth is the shared responsibility of countries in the region. The country opposes protectionism, unilateral sanctions and generalizing the concept of national security,” the report said.

In addition, the SCO member states on Tuesday signed and issued the New Delhi Declaration at the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the grouping, which has been reported by multiple media outlets.

The SCO is mulling over a “new type international relations”, Türkiye media outlet Anadolu Agency reported on Tuesday. “In the joint statement, the SCO members declared that the bloc pursues a policy that "excludes bloc, ideological and confrontational approaches. The SCO reaffirms the relevance of initiatives to promote cooperation in building of a new type international relations in the spirit of mutual respect, justice, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as formation of a common vision of the idea of creating a community of the common destiny of humanity,” the report says.

AP News believes the declaration calls for new approaches to promote more equitable and effective international cooperation. It also said the SCO is not directed against any other states and is open to broad cooperation with all.

“The declaration said the `principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of states, non-interference in internal affairs and non-use of force or threats to use force, are the basis of sustainable development of international relations’,” according to the report.

Sputnik News said in a report that the SCO member states confirmed that the SCO is not directed against other countries and international organizations.

"Member states reaffirm that the SCO is not directed against other states and international organizations and is open to broad cooperation with them in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the SCO Charter and international law, based on consideration of mutual interests," the declaration was quoted as saying.

Sputnik News also commented that SCO sets a course for de-dollarization, security and sustainable growth.

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