
Insights|Vietnamese Ph.D. Graduate: China's technological innovations promote world development

2023-07-06 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

By He Luman, Yao Xinke

(ECNS) – China's technological innovations have drawn the world’s attention and promoted world development, said Hoang Thi Hanh Trang, Vietnamese Ph.D. Graduate from the School of International Studies, Renmin University of China.

In 2017, Hoang came to China and started her postgraduate program. Speaking of China’s development these years, Hoang praised China for achieving great success and becoming one of the biggest and leading powers on the world stage.

“The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has created so many economic and social development miracles in China just within a few decades. The CPC has clarified China’s development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and Chinese-style modernization, which is the key to China’s success today,” said Hoang.

In the interview, Hoang shared her experiences in China and mentioned high-speed trains, mobile payment, E-commerce and shared bikes in her daily life. “All these technological innovations have drawn the world’s attention,” said Hoang.

She added that the great changes in China have also promoted the development of the whole world. Taking the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as an example, Hoang believed that in developing countries like China and Vietnam, the BRI could be an effective framework for delivering sustainable development.

China’s education has achieved huge milestones in recent years, said Hoang, and she thought that it shows the determination of the CPC and the Chinese government to create a new way of education with Chinese characteristics.

While studying in China, Hoang has not only greatly improved her personal abilities, but also understood more about the people, the culture, and the modern society of China. Besides, while in China, she can introduce Vietnam to her friends from all over the world.

Hoang mentioned that there are more and more Vietnamese students choosing to study in China. “I think this will bring about more educational cooperation opportunities for the two countries,” said Hoang.

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