
China's stance on Palestinian issue fair, consistent, Egyptian PM says

2023-10-20 08:19:48China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

President Xi Jinping reiterated on Thursday China's stance on the Palestine-Israel conflict, saying that the top priority is to cease fire and end the war as soon as possible in order to prevent the conflict from escalating or even losing control and causing a serious humanitarian crisis.

Xi made the remarks when meeting in Beijing with Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly, who attended the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on Wednesday.

The fundamental way out of the recurring conflict lies in implementing the two-state solution and establishing an independent State of Palestine, in order to realize the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel, Xi said.

China appreciates Egypt's role in easing the situation and supports Egypt's efforts to open humanitarian corridors, he said.

He added that China is willing to strengthen coordination with Egypt and other Arab nations to push for a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue at an early date.

China has engaged in intensive endeavors to broker peace between the two sides in the conflict, which has continued for more than 10 days and has reportedly led to the deaths of nearly 5,000 people.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi has spoken by phone with a number of senior foreign officials to discuss the situation and China's Special Envoy on the Middle East Issue Zhai Jun announced earlier that he will make a mediation trip to the Middle East.

Madbouly said that Egypt and Arab countries commend China for its consistent and fair stance on the Palestinian issue and look forward to China's more significant role in resolving the current crisis.

Speaking of bilateral cooperation, Xi said that China encourages competent enterprises to invest and operate in Egypt, while welcoming more high-quality products from Egypt to the Chinese market.

China is ready to work with Egypt to implement the outcomes of the forum, strengthen cooperation in areas including infrastructure and renewable energy, and expand people-to-people exchanges, Xi said.

Madbouly said that Egypt looks forward to the greater development of relations with China, and is willing to continue to actively participate in Belt and Road cooperation.


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