
Haikou buckles down for Typhoon Talim

2023-07-17 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Fishing boats return to ports in Haikou in face of Typhoon Talim. (Photo by Li Tianping/for

Haikou in South China's Hainan province will suspend most operations in the city from midnight on Monday as it upgraded its anti-typhoon emergency to second-level response on Sunday afternoon to brace for Typhoon Talim.

Talim, the fourth typhoon this year, is expected to make a landfall between Wenchang in Hainan province's northeastern coast and Taishan in Guangdong province's western coast on Monday and Tuesday, said the Hainan provincial meteorological observatory.

It may be the first one since Typhoon Kalmaegi in 2014 to have the biggest impact on Haikou, according to Haikou's flood control, drought relief and anti-typhoon headquarters.

Affected by Typhoon Talim, Haikou is expected to experience wind force 12 or above, and have downpour, cloudburst and local short-time torrential rain, superimposed storm surge and tidal backwatering, and the risk of urban waterlogging is big, said the headquarters.

Authorities in the city have ordered all nurseries and training institutions to suspend classes. Kindergartens, primary and high schools and vocational schools are already closed for summer vacation.

Fishing boats return to ports in Haikou in face of Typhoon Talim. (Photo by Li Tianping/for

On Monday, Haikou Meilan International Airport canceled all outbound flights, Hainan's circular high-speed railway and Haikou suburban trains suspended operations, all the parks, scenic spots, malls and markets were closed, and the three ports in the city were shut down.

As of Sunday, 16,293 fishing boats have entered the ports in Hainan province, and a total of 26,067 fishermen were moved ashore for shelter, according to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province.

To prevent casualties and minimize economic losses, people in Haikou are advised to cancel all travel and outdoors activities, and stay at home or in a safe place. Emergency shelters will be opened for the public.

"We should put people and their lives first, strengthen overall planning and dispatch, persist in commanding ahead, implement all defense measures in a scientific and precise manner, and do our utmost to ensure the safety of people's lives and property," said Feng Fei, Party secretary of Hainan, while inspecting the preparation works for Typhoon Talim in Haikou on Sunday.

Haikou's flood control, drought relief and anti-typhoon headquarters will issue a notice on when to lift the suspensions on Tuesday.


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