
Experts emphasize close relations between China, U.S.

2023-07-13 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Experts and business executives called for closer ties for mutual benefits amid challenging global economic situations at the 14th Annual U.S.-China CEO and Former Senior Officials' Dialogue, which concluded on Wednesday.

Bi Jingquan, executive vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said that in the face of high inflation, rising interest rates and disrupted global supply chains, the economic benefits of China and the U.S. are closely connected. It is important for both sides to ramp up cooperation to achieve win-win results.

Former government officials and business executives shared opinions and outlooks on topics including China-U.S. trade relations, digital economy, sustainable development and healthcare.

Bi said that both China and the United States are attaching great importance to the development of the digital economy. They possess complementary advantages in this area, which presents tremendous potential and space for cooperation.

Moreover, in the fields of sustainable development and healthcare, China and the U.S. share broad common interests. It is expected that they share resources, learn from each other's strengths and deepen cooperation for mutual benefits, Bi said.

Bi said that currently, with the restart of a new round of interactions between China and the U.S. high-level officials, the bilateral relationship has once again entered a valuable window of opportunity for improvement.

He added that, going forward, both China and the U.S. should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. Deepening cooperation in the economic and trade fields should be regarded as a breakthrough for improving bilateral relations.

Representatives from the U.S., including former officials, association and corporate executives, said that the China-U.S. economic and trade relationship is of crucial importance for both parties. The U.S. has no intention of decoupling from the Chinese economy, as the decoupling of the world's two largest economies would be catastrophic for both countries and will add to the instability of the world.

The U.S. representatives also said that it is important for both sides to earnestly listen to each other's perspectives and seek common ground for cooperation.


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