
Xi: China's economy weathers storm to be more resilient, dynamic

2023-12-31 19:07:09Xinhua Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday said the year 2023 has seen China's economy weather the storm and become "more resilient and dynamic than before." 

In his 2024 New Year message, Xi said as China achieved a smooth transition in COVID-19 response efforts, its economy has sustained the momentum of recovery, and steady progress has been made in pursuing high-quality development in 2023.

The country's modernized industrial system has been further upgraded, and a number of advanced, smart and green industries are rapidly emerging as new pillars of the economy, he said.

China has secured a bumper harvest for the 20th year in a row, and new advances have been made in pursuing rural revitalization, he said.


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