
China's Huoquan Spring Irrigation System serves as living history

2023-11-21 ECNS App Download

The Huoquan Spring Irrigation System in northern Shanxi Province has a history of nearly 1,400 years and still plays a role in irrigation, water supply, ecology and tourism.

The heritage site covers an area of 182.26 square kilometers. The critical heritage elements, including spring source engineering, canal system engineering, control engineering, and hydroelectric engineering, are well preserved.  

Another four ancient Chinese irrigation projects were designated as World Heritage Irrigation Structures on November 4, increasing the number of Chinese facilities on the WHIS list to 34, according to the Ministry of Water Resources.  

The inclusion of the Huoquan Spring Irrigation System, the Qimenyan Irrigation System, the Hongze Lake Irrigation System, and the Baini Weirs into the list was announced during the 74th International Executive Council Meeting, the highest decision-making body of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, in India on November 4.  


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