
Commemorations for 140th birth anniversary of General Stilwell held in Chongqing

2023-08-09 12:18:07中国新闻网 ECNS App Download

Commemorations for the 140th birth anniversary of General Stilwell were held at Chongqing Stilwell Museum in southwest China's Chongqing on Tuesday. U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, a hero fondly remembered for fighting against the Japanese invasion side by side with the Chinese people, visited China five times between 1911 and 1944 and lived in China for 12 years.

During his stay in China, General Stilwell formed a deep friendship with Chinese Liberation Army Commander Zhu De, and their descendants remained in close contact for decades after that. In the commemorations, the descendants of U.S. General Joseph Stilwell and Chinese Liberation Army Commander Zhu De planted an evergreen tree together and exchanged gifts with each other, indicating this friendship across time and space.

"I would love to come back years from now and see that tree just blossom in addition to the friendship we have with the Chinese people," said Susan Mai Easterbrook Cole, the great-granddaughter of General Stilwell.


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