
Typhoon Talim makes second landfall in China

2023-07-18 Editor : Ji Xiang ECNS App Download

Typhoon Talim, the fourth typhoon this year, landed in the coastal area of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region early Tuesday. It is the typhoon's second landfall in China after it first landed in Guangdong Province on Monday night.  

The typhoon landed at 5:45 a.m. on Tuesday in the city of Beihai in Guangxi, and reached the city of Qinzhou at 9 a.m., according to the regional meteorological bureau. 

Affected by typhoon Talim, heavy rainfall and gales lashed the city of Beihai. Some fishermen have moved their boats ashore. The food trucks on the beach have been reinforced with cables and tape.  

Typhoon Talim caused strong winds and torrential rains in south China's island province of Hainan. More than 36,600 fishermen have been evacuated in Hainan. Meanwhile, scattered rainstorms and torrential downpours swept Fujian Province. The knee-deep water in some roads has reached 1.8 meters at deepest. As the flood receded, piles of garbage could be seen on the streets on Monday afternoon. Local residents were busy cleaning up the sundries and mud in the stores.  

Firefighters have been carrying out rescue tasks in the flooding areas. All districts and departments in the affected regions continued their efforts of prevention and emergency response to ensure the public's safety.  

In the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall will lash regions including Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan and Guizhou, and gales will also be expected in most of the South China Sea and coastal areas, the National Meteorological Center (NMC) said in a statement.


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