
Giant panda cub born in SW China's Sichuan

2023-06-22 Editor : Lu Yan ECNS App Download

A giant panda cub has been born at a base of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in southwest China's Sichuan Province, the center said Tuesday.  

A giant panda named "Xinxin" gave birth to the cub on May 29 at the Shenshuping giant panda base in Wolong National Nature Reserve. It is the first birth this year among captive pandas at the center.  

The cub, which is almost one month old, weighs 721.8 grams. A preliminary check indicates that it is female.  

After Xinxin entered the late stage of pregnancy, the breeding team monitored her behavior continually through video surveillance and on-site observation, and promptly assessed the health status of the giant panda and her cub.  

Since overcoming the challenges of breeding giant pandas in the 1990s, the center has established the world's largest captive population of the species. 


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