
Police in Xinjiang help transfer trapped livestock

2021-11-10 Editor : Ji Xiang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Policemen in a police station in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, helped herdsmen influenced by cold weather in Horgos City transfer their sheep flock to winter pastures.

A cold spell intertwined with heavy snow and wind swept across Ili, bringing down the temperature in the high-altitude region along the border to below minus 20 degrees Celsius.

The snowfall in Ili was more than 10 centimeters thick and the wind strength reached force six to seven.

Herdsmen in a village in Horgos and more than 800 sheep were trapped in pastures by the heavy snow before moving to winter pastures.

Local police moved fast to help them finish the annual winter transfer with emergency materials such as ropes, cotton-padded clothes and medical kit to guarantee the winter trip.


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