
'Life at the Yellow River Delta' wins big at Telly Awards

2024-05-26 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Shandong Radio and Television Station's documentary Life at the Yellow River Deltahas garnered worldwide recognition by clinching three prestigious awards at the 45th Telly Awards.

The documentary, which was produced in a collaborative effort with National Geographic Channel and other organizations, was honored as the Gold Winner in both the Nature &Wildlife and Videography &Cinematography categories, while also securing the Silver Winner title in the Documentary: Short Form (under 40 minutes) category.

Since its founding in 1979, the Telly Awards are renowned in the worldwide video and television industry, celebrating excellence in productions across the globe. This year, the committee reviewed over 13,000 submissions from more than 50 countries.

Life at the Yellow River Deltastands as a testament to Shandong Radio and Television Station's dedication to top-notch documentaries. Since 2019, the station has crafted and broadcast over 40 documentaries, earning praise for its unique Qilu style.

The triumph of Life at the Yellow River Deltafurther solidifies the station's reputation for delivering captivating and educational content. The upcoming second season is currently in the works and is scheduled to be aired on the National Geographic Channel.

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