
China's cyberspace authorities release list of domestic registered deep synthesis service providers

2023-06-21 09:00:29Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China's cyberspace authorities on Tuesday released a list of domestic deep synthesis service providers with public opinion attributes or social mobilization capabilities.

Among the 41 providers are Meituan online intelligent customer service algorithm, Kuaishou short video generation and synthesis algorithm, and Baidu's PLATO large model algorithm.

The release of the list is one of the requirements from the Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet-based Information Services which came into effect on January 10, 2023.

Deep synthesis of internet information services is known as deepfake technology which uses a form of artificial intelligence called deep learning to produce images of fake events. Both videos and audio can be deepfaked.

These items are the most common-seen forms of 41 registered deep syntheses internet-based information services. Noticeably, facial image synthesis was registered by one company based in South China's Shenzhen and applied within the Doupai app. The technology can edit the facial images that users upload and alter to another identity.

The Provisions are aimed at curbing risks that might arise from activities provided by the platforms, promoting healthy development of the industry, as well as improving the regulatory capacity, according to Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), who jointly issued the provisions together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security.

The Provisions stipulates that deep synthesis service providers with public opinion attributes or social mobilization capabilities shall register their service in accordance with the Provisions. Any changes and cancellations of their deep synthesis service should also go through formal procedures. The requirement applies to technical supporter behind deep synthesis services.

Deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters who have not yet completed the procedures are requested to apply for filing as soon as possible.

According to the regulator, in light of its rapid development, deep synthesis of internet information services has been used by criminal elements in spreading illegal and undesirable information to derogate the reputation or honor of people and in engage in fraud, which has affected the communication order and social order, impaired the legitimate rights and interests of the public and harmed national security and social stability.


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