
Seven Chinese people injured in an attack in Auckland; suspect arrested: consulate general

2023-06-21 08:45:37Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Seven Chinese people were injured in an attack on the north shore of Auckland, New Zealand, on Monday night, and the suspect, a Chinese citizen, was arrested on the spot, while the investigation and judicial proceedings are underway, Chinese Consulate General in Auckland said on Tuesday.

The Consulate General on Tuesday morning expressed concern to the injured, and continued to follow up on their treatment. Currently, the victims do not have life-threatening injuries, according to the Consulate General.

The Consulate General in Auckland immediately activated the emergency mechanism of consular protection after being noticed about the incident. The Consulate General contacted the Auckland police immediately and asked the local police to provide emergency assistance to the injured Chinese citizens, and to investigate the case as soon as possible, said the Consulate General.

The consulate will keep close attention of the case and provide necessary consular assistance to the injured. The Consulate General in Auckland reminded Chinese citizens there to further improve safety awareness and strengthen their own protection, and to seek help from the local police or the Consulate General if they face an emergency.

Local media reported that a man went into three Chinese restaurants and started randomly attacking people with an axe on Monday night. Reuters reported that the police in New Zealand said they had arrested a 24-year-old man, and further charges are expected.


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