
China commits to strengthening ties with Iran

2024-05-22 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

No matter how the situation changes, China will strengthen strategic cooperation with Iran, safeguard the common interests of both sides and continue to make efforts for regional and world peace, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday.

Wang made the remarks when meeting the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy, Mehdi Safari, in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, a meeting at which Wang again expressed his condolences over the recent deaths of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Wang and Safari are in Astana for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Ministers' meeting.

China stands firm with its Iranian friends at this difficult time, Wang said.

Safari emphasized that Iran's domestic and foreign policies will not change, and the country will continue to firmly advance the national development process under the leadership of the country's supreme leader.

Tehran attaches great importance to its relationship with Beijing, Safari said, and is committed to strengthening bilateral cooperation in various areas including politics, economy and culture.

Iran is also willing to continue the reconciliation process with Saudi Arabia and to improve relations with regional countries, he added.

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