
China supports more friendly exchanges between Chinese, Americans from all walks of life: FM

2023-11-02 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- We support more friendly exchanges between Chinese and Americans from all walks of life to add new chapters of friendship and cooperation between our two countries,said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a regular press conference on Wednesday.

Wang introduced that an event was held recently to commemorate the 80th anniversary of US 14th Air Force’s Participation in China’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in the Museum of the War of Chinese People’s Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Beijing. Chairman of the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation Jeffrey Greene and Flying Tigers veterans Harry Moyer and Mel McMullen came to China for the event together with over 30 descendants of Flying Tigers. Vice President Han Zheng met with the delegation.

“The Flying Tigers is a symbol of the Chinese and American people helping each other in times of need. Over 2,000 members of the flying tigers made the ultimate sacrifice while assisting China’s fight. At the same time, thousands of Chinese laid down their lives while rescuing American pilots in distress,” Wang commented.

“It is hoped that the spirit of the Flying Tigers will be carried on from generation to generation between the two peoples. We support more friendly exchanges between Chinese and Americans from all walks of life to add new chapters of friendship and cooperation between our two countries,” he added.

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