
China Coast Guard responds to the Philippine boats in accordance with law: ministries

2023-08-09 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) –China's Coast Guard's response to the Philippine supply boats at Ren’ai Jiao is in accordance with the law to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and its maneuvers were professional, restrained and beyond reproach, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.

The spokesperson made the remarks following the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs' Monday announcement.

The Philippine side claimed that China Coast Guard "engaged in blocking and other aggressive maneuvers, including the use of a water cannon" against the Philippine supply boats in the waters adjacent to Ren’ai Jiao on Sunday, while its own Coast Guard was on a routine resupply mission to a "grounded" military vessel.

"China made it clear to the Philippines that it shall not send construction materials meant for overhauling and reinforcing the ‘grounded’ military vessel on a large scale, and suggested that the two sides hold talks as soon as possible on ways to manage the situation at Ren'ai Jiao, which is a clear display of China’s goodwill and sincerity," said the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson.

Ren’ai Jiao is part of China’s Nansha Qundao, said the spokesperson.

“The Philippines, however, chose to ignore China’s goodwill and sincerity and went ahead with sending construction materials for repairing and reinforcing the ‘grounded’ military vessel on a large scale.”

The spokesperson urged the Philippines to immediately tow away the military vessel and restore Ren'ai Jiao to its original state of having no personnel or facility on it.

"China Coast Guard vessels intercepted the Philippine boats in accordance with the law, and warned them off through appropriate law enforcement measures. Their maneuvers were legitimate, lawful, professional and standard," confirmed Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense.

Wu denounced the move as one that has infringed on China’s sovereignty and breached the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea(DOC).

“China stands ready to continue to work with the Philippines to properly handle maritime issues through dialogue and consultation and jointly uphold bilateral relations and maritime stability.”

“China and the Philippines are separated by a strip of water, and will remain close neighbors,” according to the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines.

It was stressed that the South China Sea is not a “hunting ground” for countries outside the region to meddle with, sow discord and provoke conflicts, and that such U.S. attempts would lead nowhere.

The U.S. is urged to respect China’s territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, and regional efforts to uphold peace and stability.

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines made a similar response, saying that “China Coast Guard took warning law enforcement measures in accordance with the law.”


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