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China Mobile develops first reconfigurable 5G RF transceiver chip 'Breaking Wind 8676'

2023-08-31 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- China Mobile announced on Wednesday that it had successfully developed China's first reconfigurable 5G RF transceiver chip “Breaking Wind 8676.”

Research and development of the RF transceiver chip, the core chip of a 5G base station, has long been dominated by other countries. Thus, the “Breaking Wind 8676” effectively enhances China’s self-reliance on 5G network core equipment.

The chip can be widely used in commercial applications such as 5G cloud base stations and home base stations.

Similar to an interpreter, the RF transceiver chip is responsible for the high-speed conversion between analog signals and digital signals, while the reconfigurable design allows for the reconfiguration of core specifications, module algorithms, and functionalities.

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