
UN to launch flash appeal for donor support for quake-hit Syria

2023-02-10 08:18:44Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday announced that the world body will launch a flash appeal for donor support for those affected by the earthquake in Syria next week.

"The earthquake that struck Türkiye and Syria is one of the biggest natural disasters in our times," Guterres told reporters, warning that "we haven't yet seen the full extent of the damage and of the humanitarian crisis unfolding before our eyes."

He pointed out that the earthquake struck as the humanitarian crisis in northwest Syria was already worsening, with needs at their highest level since the conflict began.

Guterres said that the first United Nations convoy, which included six trucks carrying shelter and other desperately needed relief supplies, crossed into northern Syria Thursday through the Bab al-Hawa crossing on the border with Türkiye.

"More help is on the way, but much more, much more is needed," he said, adding that the United Nations has done its best to race to respond and are committed to doing much more. 


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