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How to keep human internal organs clean

2011-08-19 12:03    Ecns.cn     Web Editor: Xu Aqing
Human internal organs can be really filthy, thus, the first step to maintaining health is to make sure they are clean.

Human internal organs can be really filthy, thus, the first step to maintaining health is to make sure they are clean.

(Ecns.cn)!If we are to compare the human body to a car, we could say that the lungs work as the engine, the liver and kidney can be treated as the oil filter, and the stomach is the fuel tank. Any damage to any of the parts can bring you trouble, and in the worst case scenario, you may not able to 'start the car of your body.'

Bear this in mind, human internal organs can be really filthy, thus, the first step to 'maintaining your car' is to make sure these parts are clean.

The human stomach is home to Helicobacter Pylori (HP), which mostly comes from unhygienic food. Fifty percent of the world's population has this bacterium breeding in their stomach, including people with stomach cancer, gastritis, and gastric ulcers. If you are strong enough, it won't bother you. Otherwise, the chances of getting a gastric ulcer are as high as 10-15%.

To stay away from unhygienic food is, of course, a must if you want to maintain a 'hygienic' stomach. In addition, trying not to stay up late and stayingin a good mood can also help, as they reduce gastric acid secretions and allow less Helicobacter Pylori to breed.

There are billions of bacteria in the human intestinal canal. Some of them are probiotics, but others are pathogenic which can cause diarrhea and gastric ulcers. Unwelcome hiccups, abdominal distention, as well as bad smelling farts are all caused by unhygienic bacteria in our intestinal canal.

The 'dirtiest' place in the human body is, without a doubt, the large intestine. It gets worse when you have an annoying case of constipation, which ensures the toxic elements in human waste are absorbed by the intestinal canal and then conveyed by blood circulation into different parts of human body, leaving pachulosis and acne.

The appendix is at the cecum, the beginning of the colon where the small and large intestines meet, towards the front. Waste, even gastric bezoars, have a hard time finding a way out when they get stuck in the appendix. This can introduce bacteria that can cause inflammation.

It's actually pretty easy to clean the intestinal canal, as long as we have a regular bowel movement. Eating more apples and bananas may help. People are vulnerable to constipation when they are traveling; therefore, eating more honey is a good idea.

The liver is what the human body depends on for detoxification and it is also the most important gland. The liver helps the body to get rid of waste products. Waste products which are not excreted by your kidneys are removed from the blood by the liver. Some of them pass into the duodenum and then into the bowels via the bile ducts.

The liver plays a vital role in fighting infections, particularly infections arising in the bowel. It does this by mobilizing part of your body's defense mechanism called the macrophage system. The liver contains over half of the body's supply of macrophages, known as Kuppfer cells, which literally destroy any bacteria that they come into contact with.

If the liver is polluted by over eating or drinking, and greasy food, its ability to fight infections is impaired. Therefore, exercising for ten minutes every day and having meals regularly is important for human health since it can help to reduce the burden on the liver. One particular tip from Chinese Medicine experts is to maintain a smooth and generally peaceful mood.