
Early winter scenery of Yamdrok Lake in China’s Tibet(1/6)

2021-12-29 13:49:46 Editor :Cheng Zizhuo

Photo taken on Dec. 28, 2021 shows charming winter view of Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holy lakes in SW China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. (China News Service/Jiang Feibo)

Yamdrok means "jade" in Tibetan, which vividly depicts the limpidity and the fine blue color of the water.

At 4,441 meters above sea level, the lake has a 250 kilometers long shoreline, 130 meters long from east to west and 70 meters wide from south to north.

Photo taken on Dec. 28, 2021 shows charming winter view of Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holy lakes in SW China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. (China News Service/Jiang Feibo)

Photo taken on Dec. 28, 2021 shows charming winter view of Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holy lakes in SW China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. (China News Service/Jiang Feibo)

Photo taken on Dec. 28, 2021 shows charming winter view of Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holy lakes in SW China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. (China News Service/Jiang Feibo)

Photo taken on Dec. 28, 2021 shows charming winter view of Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holy lakes in SW China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. (China News Service/Jiang Feibo)

Photo taken on Dec. 28, 2021 shows charming winter view of Yamdrok Lake, one of the three holy lakes in SW China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. (China News Service/Jiang Feibo)

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