Oscar Lundahl caught this ratfish while working as a fishing guide for Nordic Sea Angling. The fisherman was shocked when he reeled in this alien-like monster from the deep. Oscar Lundahl nearly jumped out of his fishing boat when he saw the bizarre-looking species with bulbous eyes. The ratfish has a Latin name Chimaeras Monstrosa Linnaeus, which is derived from a Greek mythical monster that had the head of a lion and tail of a dragon. The mysterious creatures are rarely caught as they live in deep water. It is believed their huge eyes developed to help them see at such dark depths. (Photo/VCG)

Oscar Lundahl caught this ratfish while working as a fishing guide for Nordic Sea Angling. The fisherman was shocked when he reeled in this alien-like monster from the deep. Oscar Lundahl nearly jumped out of his fishing boat when he saw the bizarre-looking species with bulbous eyes. The ratfish has a Latin name Chimaeras Monstrosa Linnaeus, which is derived from a Greek mythical monster that had the head of a lion and tail of a dragon. The mysterious creatures are rarely caught as they live in deep water. It is believed their huge eyes developed to help them see at such dark depths. (Photo/VCG)