Rescuers and volunteers work to successfully return a killer whale to the sea near Mar Chiquita, Argentina, Monday, Sept. 16, 2019. Seven killer whales were stranded on the coast before rescuers and volunteers returned six of them to sea, but one died in the process. (Photo/Agencies)

Rescuers and volunteers work to successfully return a killer whale to the sea near Mar Chiquita, Argentina, Monday, Sept. 16, 2019. Seven killer whales were stranded on the coast before rescuers and volunteers returned six of them to sea, but one died in the process. (Photo/Agencies)

Rescuers and volunteers work to successfully return a killer whale to the sea near Mar Chiquita, Argentina, Monday, Sept. 16, 2019. Seven killer whales were stranded on the coast before rescuers and volunteers returned six of them to sea, but one died in the process. (Photo/Agencies)

Rescuers and volunteers work to successfully return a killer whale to the sea near Mar Chiquita, Argentina, Monday, Sept. 16, 2019. Seven killer whales were stranded on the coast before rescuers and volunteers returned six of them to sea, but one died in the process. (Photo/Agencies)