
MOC slams new chip restrictions by U.S.

2023-10-18 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China expresses strong dissatisfaction and opposition at the United States' announcement of additional limits on sales of advanced semiconductors by American firms, said the Ministry of Commerce on Wednesday.

The government has noted that the U.S. rolled out Export Controls on Semiconductor Manufacturing Items Interim Final Rule on Tuesday, which shored up export restrictions issued last October on artificial intelligence-related chips and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, and placed a number of Chinese entities on its "entity list", said a spokesperson with the ministry.

The United States has constantly overstretched the concept of national security, abused export control measures and resorted to unilateral bullying, which China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly objects to, the spokesperson said.

Noting that the semiconductor industry is highly globalized, the spokesperson stressed that the undue control by the U.S. has seriously hindered the normal economic and trade exchanges among relevant enterprises in various countries, undermined the market rules and international economic and trade order, and threatened the stability of the global industrial and supply chain.

The semiconductor enterprises in the U.S. have suffered huge losses, and meanwhile, semiconductor enterprises in other countries have also been affected, the spokesperson added.

The U.S. should remove its export controls on semiconductors to China without delay and create a fair, just and predictable business environment for enterprises of all countries, including Chinese enterprises, the spokesperson said.

The U.S. should work together with all parties to jointly construct a global industrial and supply chain system that is safe, stable, smooth, efficient, open, inclusive, mutually beneficial and win-win. China will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, the spokesperson said.


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